Inf-01 | Madeline Velazquez, Joellen M. Feirtag | 1999 | Helicobacter pylori: characteristics, pathogenicity, detection methods and mode of transmission implicating foods and water | Int. J. Food Microbiol. 53: 95-104 |
Inf-02 | Roland E. Poms , Sita R. Tatini | 2001 | Survival of Helicobacter pylori in ready-to-eat foods at 4ºC | Int. J. Food Micobiol. 63: 281-286 |
Inf-03 | CFSAN (FDA) | 1998 | Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook | |
Inf-04 | James B Kaper | 1998 | Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli | Current Opinion in Microbiology, 1:103108 |
Inf-05 | Rebekah DeVinney, Derek G Knoechel and B Brett Finlay | 1999 | Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli: cellular harassment | Current Opinion in Microbiology, 2:8388 |
Inf-06 | Henrik Chart, Claire Jenkins, Henry R. Smith, Dawn Hedges and Bernard Rowe | 1998 | Haemolysin production by strains of Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli | Microbiology 144, 103107 |
Inf-07 | J. Daniel Dubreuil | 1997 | Escherichia coli STb enterotoxin | Microbiology 143, 17831795 |
Inf-08 | Alf A Lindberg | 1998 | Vaccination against enteric pathogens: from science to vaccine trials | Current Opinion in Microbiology 1:116124 |
Inf-09 | Paul S. Mead, Laurence Slutsker, Vance Dietz, Linda F. McCaig, Joseph S. Bresee, Craig Shapiro, Patricia M. Griffin, and Robert V. Tauxe | 1999 | Food-Related Illness and Death in the United States | Emerging Infectious Diseases 5, (5): 607 |
Inf-10 | Economic impact of foodborne illness | |||
Inf-11 | D.C. Kilsby | 1999 | Food microbiology: the challenges for the future | International Journal of Food Microbiology 50, 5963 |
Inf-13 | J. Meng and M. P. Doyle | 1997 | EMERGING ISSUES IN MICROBIOLOGICAL FOOD SAFETY | Annu. Rev. Nutr. 17:25575 |
Inf-14 | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 1998 | PREVENTING EMERGING INFECTIOUS DISEASES. A Strategy for the 21st Century | |
Inf-15 | Alex J. Bolton, Michael P. Osborne, Tim S. Wallis and John Stephen | 1999 | Interaction of Salmonella choleraesuis, Salmonella dublin and Salmonella typhimurium with porcine and bovine terminal ileum in vivo | Microbiology 145, 24312441 |
Inf-16 | Sigrid Brynestad and Per Einar Granum | 2002 | Clostridium perfringens and foodborne infections | Int. J. Food Microbiol. 74: 195-202 |
Inf-17 | Charles M. A. P. Franz, Wilhelm H. Holzapfel and Michael E. Stiles | 1999 | Enterococci at the crossroads of food safety? | International Journal of Food Microbiology, 47: 1-24 |
Inf-18 | Jianghong Meng, Michael P. Doyle | 2002 | Introduction. Microbiological food safety | Microbes and Infection 4: 395-397 |
Inf-18 | Irving Nachamkin | 2002 | Chronic effects of Campylobacter infection | Microbes and Infection 4: 399-403 |
Inf-18 | David G. White, Shaohua Zhao, Shabbir Simjee, David D. Wagner, Patrick F. McDermott | 2002 | Antimicrobial resistance of foodborne pathogens | Microbes and Infection 4: 405-412 |
Inf-18 | Larry R. Beuchat | 2002 | Ecological factors influencing survival and growth of human pathogens on raw fruits and vegetables | Microbes and Infection 4: 413-423 |
Inf-18 | Robert H. Hall | 2002 | Biosensor technologies for detecting microbiological foodborne hazards | Microbes and Infection 4: 425-432 |
Inf-19 | Beatrice H. Lado, Ahmed E. Yousef | 2002 | Alternative food-preservation technologies: efficacy and mechanisms | Microbes and Infection 4: 433-444 |
Inf-20 | C. A. Phillips | 2002 | Arcobacter spp in food: isolation, identification and control | Trends in Food Science & Technology 12 (8), 263-275 |
Inf-21 | D. Meunier ,D. Boyud, M. R. Mulvey, S. Baucheron, C. Mammina, A. Nastas, E. Chaslus-Dancia, A.- Cloeckaert | Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium DT 104 antibiotic resistancegenomic islandI in serotipe paratyphi B | Emerg. Inf. Dis.8: 430-433 | |
Inf-22 | Julie Jean, Burton Blais, André Darveau, Ismaïl Fliss | 2002 | Rapid detection of human rotavirus using colorimetric nucleic acid sequence-based ampli fication (NASBA) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in sewage treatment effluent | FEMS Microbiol. Lettr. 210: 143-147 |
Inf-23 | Elise Chasseignaux, Pascale Gerault, Marie-Therese Toquin, Gilles Salvat, Pierre Colin, Gwennola Ermel | 2002 | Ecology of Listeria monocytogenes in the environment of raw poultry meat and raw pork meat processing plants | FEMS Microbiol. Lettr. 210: 271-275 |
Inf-24 | Thomas Egli, Wolfgang Koster, Leo Meile | 2002 | Pathogenic microbes in water and food: changes and challenges | FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 26: 111-112 |
Inf-25 | Joachim Reidl, Karl E.Klose | 2002 | Vibrio cholerae and cholera: out of the water and into the host | FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 26:125-139 |
Inf-26 | Giorgio Giraffa | 2002 | Enterococci from foods | FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 26:163-171 |
Inf-27 | Comisión Europea | 2002 | Opinion of the Scientific Committee on veterinary measures relating to Public Health on criteria for evaluation of methods of Salmonella detection | Adoptado 1-20 junio 2002 |
Inf-28 | Jørgen Schlundt |
2002 | New directions in foodborne disease prevention | Int. J. Food Microbiol. 78:3-17 |
Inf-29 | Robert V. Tauxe | 2002 | Emerging foodborne pathogens | Int. J. Food Microbiol. 78 31-41 |
Inf-30 | E. Borch, P. Arinder | 2002 | Bacteriological safety issues in red meat and ready-to-eat meat products, as well as control measures | Meat Sci. 62: 381-390 |
Inf-31 | Food Safety Authority of Ireland | 2002 | Control of Campylobacter especies in the food chain | |
Inf-32 | F. Untermann | 1998 | Microbial hazards in food | Food Control 9 (2-3), 119-126 |
Inf-33 | Pierre Payment and Merry S. Riley | 2002 | Resolving the Global Burden of Gastrointestinal Illness: A Call to Action | ASM |
Inf-34 | R. B. Tompkin | 2002 | Control of Listeria monocytogenes in the Food-Processing Environment | J. Food Protect. 65: 709-725 |
Inf-35 | Susana M. Portocarrero, Melissa Newman and Benjy Mikel | 2002 | Staphylococcus aureus survival, staphylococcal enterotoxin production and shelf stability of country-cured hams manufactured under different processing procedures | Meat Science, 62: 267-273 |
Inf-35 | Terry Arthur | 2003 | USDA (Diapositivas) | |
Inf-36 | Morten Helms, Pernille Vastrup, Peter Gerner-Smidt, Kåre Mølbak, and Stephen Evans | 2003 | Short and long term mortality associated with foodborne bacterial gastrointestinal infections: registry based study | BMJ 326: 357 |
Inf-38 | FSIS | 2003 | Draft Risk Assessment for Listeria in Ready-to-eat Meat and Poultry Products | February 2003 |
Inf-39 | 2003 | Posición Común (CE) no 14/2003, de 20 de febrero de 2003, aprobada por el Consejo de conformidad con el procedimiento establecido en el artículo 251 del Tratado constitutivo de la Comunidad Europea, con vistas a la adopción de un Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo sobre el control de la salmonela y otros agentes zoonóticos transmitidos por los alimentos | DOCE C90E/25 15.4.03 | |
Inf-40 | Alexis García and James G. Fox | 2003 | The Rabbit as a New Reservoir Host of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli | Emerging Infectious Diseases, 9: 223 |
41 | Zoonosis | 2003 | Reglamento (CE) no 2160/2003 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 17 de noviembre de 2003, sobre el control de la salmonela y otros agentes zoonóticos específicos transmitidos por los alimentos | DOCE L325/1 de12.12.2003 |
42 | Zonosis | 2003 | Directiva 2003/99/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 17 de noviembre de 2003, sobre la vigilancia de las zoonosis y los agentes zoonóticos y por la que se modifica la Decisión 90/424/CEE del Consejo y se deroga la Directiva 92/117/CEE del Consejo | DOCE L325/31 de12.12.2003 |
43 | Chapter 11 Campylobacter spp. | |||
44 | D. Thévenot1, A. Dernburg2 and C. Vernozy-Rozand1 | 2006 | An updated review of Listeria monocytogenes in the pork meat industry and its products | Journal of Applied Microbiology 101: 7-17 |
45 | 2006 | Clostridium botulinum and the safety of minimally heated, chilled foods: an emerging issue? | Journal of Applied Microbiology 101: 556-570 |
46 | Megha Gandhia and Michael L. Chikindas | 2007 | Listeria: A foodborne pathogen that knows how to survive | International Journal of Food Microbiology 113: 1-15 |
47 | Yifan Zhanga, Emily Yeha, Grace Hallb, Jennifer Cripeb, Arvind A. Bhagwatc and Jianghong | 2007 | Characterization of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from retail foods | International Journal of Food Microbiology 113: 47-53 |
48 | P.K. Jallewar, D.R. Kalorey, N.V. Kurkure, V.V. Pande and S.B. Barbuddhe | 2007 | Genotypic characterization of Listeria spp. isolated from fresh water fish | International Journal of Food Microbiology 114: 120-123 |
49 | R. Capita, M. Prieto, L. Mereghetti, and C. Alonso-Calleja | 2005 |
Food Science and Technology International 11: 55-65 |
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51 | Tom Humphrey, Sarah O'Brien and Mogens Madsen | 2007 | Campylobacters as zoonotic pathogens: A food production perspective | International Journal of Food Microbiology, 117: 237-257 |
52 | MARIA K. MIETTINEN,* LIISA PALMU,† K. JOHANNA BJO¨ RKROTH, AND HANNU KORKEALA | 2001 | Listeria monocytogenes in Broilers at the Abattoir, Processing Plant, and Retail Level | Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 64, No. 7, 2001, Pages 994–999 |
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VIRUS | ||||
Vir-01 | DAVID H. KINGSLEY AND GARY P. RICHARDS | 2001 | Rapid and Efficient Extraction Method for Reverse Transcription-PCR Detection of Hepatitis A and Norwalk-Like Viruses in Shellfish | Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67: 4152-4257. |
Vir-02 | D. De Medici; L. Croci; S. Di Pasquale; A. Fiore; L. Toti | 2001 | Detecting the presence of infectious hepatitis A virus in molluscs positive to RT-nested-PCR | Lettr. Appl. Microbiol., 33: 362-366. |
Vir-03 | A.P. Wyn-Jones and J. Sellwood | 2001 | REVIEW: Enteric viruses in the aquatic environment | J. Appl. Microbiol. 91: 945-962 |
Vir-04 | I.J. Seymour and H. Appleton | 2001 | A REVIEW: Foodborne viruses and fresh produce | J. Appl. Microbiol. 91: 759-773 |
Vir-07 | Lee-Ann Jaykus | 1997 | Epidemiology and Detection as Options for Control of Viral and Parasitic Foodborne Disease | Emerging Infectious Diseases3 (4), 529-39 |
Vir-08 | Sair AI, D'Souza DH, Moe CL, Jaykus LA. | 2002 | Improved detection of human enteric viruses in foods by RT-PCR | J Virol Methods, 100(1-2):57-69 |
Vir-09 | Deneen VC, Hunt JM, Paule CR, James RI, Johnson RG, Raymond MJ, Hedberg CW. | 2000 | The impact of foodborne calicivirus disease: the Minnesota experience. | J Infect Dis. 181 Suppl 2:S281-3 |
Vir-10 | Hale A. | 1999 | Foodborne viral infections. | BMJ 29; 318(7196):1433-4 |
Vir-11 | David Lees | 2000 | Viruses and bivalve shellfish | International Journal of Food Microbiology 59, 81116 |
Vir-12 | Svensson L. | 2000 | Diagnosis of foodborne viral infections in patients. | Int J Food Microbiol. 59(1-2):117-26 |
Vir-13 | Fleet GH, Heiskanen P, Reid I, Buckle KA. | 2000 | Foodborne viral illness--status in Australia. | Int J Food Microbiol. 59(1-2):127-36 |
Vir-14 | Luciana Croci, Dario De Medici, Concetta Scalfaro, Alfonsina Fiore and Laura Toti | 2002 | The survival of hepatitis A virus in fresh produce | International Journal of Food Microbiology, 73 (1), 29-34 |
Vir-15 | Mette Myrmel, Espen Rimstad and Yngvild Wasteson | 2000 | Immunomagnetic separation of a Norwalk-like virus (genogroup I) in artificially contaminated environmental water samples | International Journal of Food Microbiology, 62, (1-2),17-26 |
Vir-16 | Jim O' Mahony, Maurice O' Donoghue, John G. Morgan and Colin Hill | 2000 | Rotavirus survival and stability in foods as determined by an optimised plaque assay procedure | International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 61, Issues 2-3, 177-185 |
Vir-17 | Mette Myrmel, Espen Rimstad, Yngvild Wasteson and Eystein Skjerve | 1999 | Detection of small round structured viruses in artificially contaminated water using filter adsorption and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction | International Journal of Food Microbiology 49 (1-2), 85-94 |
Vir-18 | M. Gilgen, D. Germann, J. Lüthy and Ph. Hübner | 1997 | Three-step isolation method for sensitive detection of enterovirus, rotavirus, hepatitis A virus, and small round structured viruses in water samples | International Journal of Food Microbiology, 37 (2-3), 189-199 |
Vir-19 | D. Häfliger, M. Gilgen, J. Lüthy and Ph. Hübner | 1997 | Seminested RT-PCR systems for small round structured viruses and detection of enteric viruses in seafood | International Journal of Food Microbiology, 37 (1), 27-36 |
Vir-20 | L. Romalde, E. Area, G. Sánchez, C. Ribao, I. Torrado, X. Abad, R. M. Pintó, J. L. Barja and A. Bosch | 2002 | Prevalence of enterovirus and hepatitis A virus in bivalve molluscs from Galicia (NW Spain): inadequacy of the EU standards of microbiological quality, J. | International Journal of Food Microbiology 74 (1-2), 119-130 |
Vir-21 | M. Chironna, C. Germinario, D. De Medici, A. Fiore, S. Di Pasquale, M. Quarto and S. Barbuti | 2002 | Detection of hepatitis A virus in mussels from different sources marketed in Puglia region (South Italy). | International Journal of Food Microbiology 75 (1-2), 11-18 |
Vir-22 | Celia R. M. Barardi, Hopi Yip, Kerry R. Emsile, Graham Vesey, S. Raj Shanker and Keith L. Williams | 1999 | Flow cytometry and RT-PCR for rotavirus detection in artificially seeded oyster meat | International Journal of Food Microbiology 49 (1-2), 9-18 |
Vir-23 | L. Croci, D. De Medici, G. Morace, A. Fiore, C. Scalfaro, F. Beneduce and L. Toti | 1999 | Detection of hepatitis A virus in shellfish by nested reverse transcription-PCR | International Journal of Food Microbiology 48 (1), 67-71 |
Vir-24 | Umesh D. Parashar and Stephan S. Monroe | 2001 | Norwalk-like viruses as a cause of foodborne disease outbreaks | Rev. Med. Virol.11, 243252. |
Vir-25 | S. Bidawid, J. M. Farber and S. A. Sattar | 2000 | Rapid concentration and detection of hepatitis A virus from lettuce and strawberries | Journal of Virological Methods, Volume 88 (2), 175-185 |
Vir-25 | Christian Beuret, Dorothe Kohler, Andreas Baumgartner, and Thomas M. Lüthi | 2002 | Norwalk-Like Virus Sequences in Mineral Waters: One-Year Monitoring of Three Brands | Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68 (4): 1925-1931 |
Vir-26 | S. Bidawid, J. M. Farber, and S. A. Sattar | 2000 | Contamination of Foods by Food Handlers: Experiments on Hepatitis A Virus Transfer to Food and Its Interruption | Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 66: 2759-2763 |
Vir-27 | Kellogg J. Schwab, Frederick H. Neill, Rebecca L. Fankhauser, Nicholas A. Daniels, Stephan S. Monroe, David A. Bergmire-Sweat, Mary K. Estes, and Robert L. Atmar | 2000 | Development of Methods To Detect "Norwalk-Like Viruses" (NLVs) and Hepatitis A Virus in Delicatessen Foods: Application to a Food-Borne NLV Outbreak | Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 66: 213-218 |
Vir-28 | Kellogg J. Schwab, Frederick H. Neill, Françoise Le Guyader, Mary K. Estes, and Robert L. Atmar | 2001 | Development of a Reverse Transcription-PCR-DNA Enzyme Immunoassay for Detection of "Norwalk-Like" Viruses and Hepatitis A Virus in Stool and Shellfish | Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 67: 742-749 |
Vir-29 | David H. Kingsley and Gary P. Richards | 2001 | Rapid and Efficient Extraction Method for Reverse Transcription-PCR Detection of Hepatitis A and Norwalk-Like Viruses in Shellfish | Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 67: 4152-4157 |
Vir-30 | Robert L. Atmar and Mary K. Estes | 2001 | Diagnosis of Noncultivatable Gastroenteritis Viruses, the Human Caliciviruses | Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 14: 15-37 |
Vir-31 | Julie Jean, Burton Blais, André Darveau, and Ismaïl Fliss | 2001 | Detection of Hepatitis A Virus by the Nucleic Acid Sequence-Based Amplification Technique and Comparison with Reverse Transcription-PCR | Appl. Envir. Microbiol. 67: 5593-5600 |
Vir-32 | Jan Vinjé and Marion P. G. Koopmans | 2000 | Simultaneous Detection and Genotyping of "Norwalk-Like Viruses" by Oligonucleotide Array in a Reverse Line Blot Hybridization Format | J. Clin. Microbiol. . 38: 2595-2601 |
Vir-33 | I. Muniain-Mujika, R. Girones, G. Tofiño-Quesada, M. Calvo and F. Lucena | 2002 | Depuration dynamics of viruses in shellfish | Int. J. Fod Microbiol. 77: 125-133 |
Vir-34 | Julie Jean, Burton Blais, André Darveau and Ismaïl Fliss | 2002 | Rapid detection of human rotavirus using colorimetric nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA)¯enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in sewage treatment effluent | FEMSMicrobiol. Letters, 201: 143-147 |
Vir-35 | Marion Koopmans, Carl-Henrik von Bonsdorff, Jan Vinje, Dario de Medici and Steve Monroe | Foodborne viruses | FEMS Microbiology Reviews 26 (2), 187-205 | |
Vir-36 | Julie Jean, Burton Blais, André Darveau, Ismaïl Fliss | 2002 | Rapid detection of human rotavirus using colorimetric nucleic acid sequence-based ampli fication (NASBA) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in sewage treatment effluent | FEMS Microbiol. Lettr. 210: 143-147 |
Vir-37 | Victoria Ley, James Higgins, and Ronald Fayer | 2002 | Bovine Enteroviruses as Indicators of Fecal Contamination | Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 3455-3461 |
Vir-38 | B. Lopman, Y. van Duynhoven, F. X. Hanon, M. Reacher, M. Koopmans and D. Brown | 2002 | Laboratory capability in Europe for foodborne viruses | Eurosurveillance 7: 61-5 |
Vir-39 | A.I. Sair, D.H. D'Souza, adn L.A. Jaykus | 2002 | Human Enteric Viruses as Causes of Foodborne Disease | COMPREHENSIVE REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND FOOD SAFETY 1, 73-89 |
Vir-40 | Marion Koopmans and Erwin Duizer | 2004 | Foodborne viruses: an emerging problem | Int. J. Food Microbiol. 90 (1), 23-41 |
2004 | ||||
PRIONES | ||||
Pri-01 | Scientific Steering Committee | 1998 | The safety of meat and bone meal from mammalian animals, naturally or experimentally susceptible to Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies. | |
Pri-03 | Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (UK) | 1998 | BSE. Public Safety First | |
Pri-05 | James Foster and Nora Hunter | 1998 | Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies: transmission, mechanism of disease, and persistence | Current Opinion in Microbiology, 1:442447 |
Pri-06 | Richard Knight, Gillian Stewart | 1998 | The new variant form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease | FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 21, 97-100 |
Pri-07 | Valerie Daggett | 1998 | Structure-function aspects of prion proteins y Corrigendum | Current Opinion in Biotechnology 9:359365 |
Pri-08 | Markus Otto, Jens Wiltfang, Ekkehard Schütz, Inga Zerr, Anke Otto, Annette Pfahlberg, Olaf Gefeller, Manfred Uhr, Armin Giese, Thomas Weber, Hans A Kretzschmar, Sigrid Poser | 1998 | Diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by measurement of S100 protein in serum: prospective case-control study | BMJ 316:57782 |
Pri-09 | Stanley B. Prusiner and Michael R. Scott | 1997 | GENETICS OF PRIONS | Annu. Rev. Genet. 31:13975 |
Pri-10 | Dominique Dormont | 2002 | Prions, BSE and food | Int. J. Food Microbiol. 78: 181-189 |
Par-01 | Richard L. Guerrant | 1997 | Cryptosporidiosis: An Emerging, Highly Infectious Threat | Emerging Infectious Diseases 3, (1) |
Par-02 | Ronald Fayer, Earl J. Lewis, James M. Trout, Thaddeus K. Graczyk, Mark C. Jenkins, James Higgins, Lihua Xiao, and Altaf A. Lal | 1999 | Cryptosporidium parvum in Oysters from Commercial Harvesting Sites in 2000the Chesapeake Bay | Emerging Infectious Diseases 5 (5) |
Par-03 | Ming Qi Deng, Dean O. Cliver | 2000 | Comparative detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts from apple juice | International Journal of Food Microbiology 54, 155162 |
Par-04 | Walter Quintero-Betancourt, Emily R. Peele, Joan B. Rose | 2002 | Cryptosporidium parvum and Cyclospora cayetanensis: a review of laboratory methods for detection of these waterborne parasites | Journal of Microbiological Methods 49, 209224 |
Par-05 | Michael M. Peng, Lihua Xiao, Amanda R. Freeman, Michael J. Arrowood, Ananias A. Escalante, André C. Weltman, Corinne S.L. Ong, William R. Mac Kenzie, Altaf A. Lal, and Charles B. Beard | 1997 | Genetic Polymorphism Among Cryptosporidium parvum Isolates: Evidence of Two Distinct Human Transmission Cycles | Emerging Infectious Diseases 3 (4), 567 |
Par-06 | Charles R. Sterling and Ynés R. Ortega | 1999 | Cyclospora: An Enigma Worth Unraveling | Emerging Infectious Diseases 5 (1) |
Par-07 | Michelle R. Warnekulasuriya, Julie D. Johnson, Richard E. Holliman | 1998 | Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in cured meats | International Journal of Food Microbiology 45, 211215 |
Par-08 | H.R. Gamble | 1998 | Sensitivity of artificial digestion andenzyme immunoassay methods of inspection for trichinae in pigs | J. Food Protect. 61: 339-343 |
Par-09 | J.L. Smith | 1993 | Documented outbreaks of toxoplamosis: Transmission of Toxoplasma gondii to humans | J. Food Protect. 56: 630-639 |
Par-10 | Alvin A. Gajadhar and Lorry B. Forbes | 2002 | An internationally recognized quality assurance system for diagnostic parasitology in animal health and food safety, with example data on trichinellosis | Veterinary Parasitology, 103: 133-140 |
Par-11 | H. R. Gamble, A. S. Bessonov, K. Cuperlovic, A. A. Gajadhar, F. van Knapen, K. Noeckler, H. Schenone and X. Zhu | 2000 | International Commission on Trichinellosis: Recommendations on methods for the control of Trichinella in domestic and wild animals intended for human consumption | Veterinary Parasitology, 93:393-408 |
Par-12 | Walter Quintero-Betancourt, Emily R. Peele and Joan B. Rose | 2002 | Cryptosporidium parvum and Cyclospora cayetanensis: a review of laboratory methods for detection of these waterborne parasites | J. Microbiol. Methods: 209-224 |
Par-13 | Joan B.Rose, Debra E.Human, Angela Gennaccaro | 2002 | Risk and control of waterborne cryptosporidiosis | FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 26: 113-123 |
Par-14 | J. Theron and T. E. Cloete | 2002 | Emerging Waterborne Infections: Contributing Factors, Agents, and Detection Tools | Critical Reviews in Microbiology 28 (1), 1-26 |
Par-15 | Theresa R. Slifkoa, Huw V. Smithb, Joan B. Rose | 2000 | International Journal for Parasitology 30, 1379-1393 | |
Par-16 | María Teresa Audicana, Ignacio J. Ansotegui, Luis Fernández de Corres and Malcolm W. Kennedy | 2002 | Anisakis simplex: dangerous dead and alive? | Trends in Parasitology 18 (1), 20-25 |
Par-17 | Ronald Fayera, Una Morganb, Steve J. Upton |
2000 | Epidemiology of Cryptosporidium: transmission, detection and identification |
International Journal for Parasitology 30, 1305-1322 |
Par-18 | B. Cherie Millar, Mary Finn, LiHua Xiao, Colm J. Lowery, James S. G. Dooley and John E. Moore | 2002 | Cryptosporidium in foodstuffs--an emerging aetiological route of human foodborne illness | Trends in Food Science & Technology 13 (5), 168-187 |
Par-19 | CDC | Parasites and Health | ||
Par-20 | CDC | 2003 | Trichinellosis surveillance USA 1997-2001 [Ir a original] | MMWR 52: 1-8 |
Par-21 | Cook AJ, Gilbert RE, Buffolano W, Zufferey J, Petersen E, Jenum PA, Foulon W, Semprini AE, Dunn DT. | 2000 | Sources of toxoplasma infection in pregnant women: European multicentre case-control study. European Research Network on Congenital Toxoplasmosis | BMJ. 15;321(7254):127-8. |
SUSANA BAYARRI, M.J. GRACIA, REGINA LAZARO, CONSUELO PEREZ-ARQUILLUE, MONTSERRAT BARBERAN, AND ANTONIO HERRERA | 2010 | Determination of the Viability of Toxoplasma gondii in Cured Ham Using Bioassay: Influence of Technological Processing and Food Safety Implications | Journal of Food Protection, 73 (12), 2239–2243 |
Biotox-01 | 2002 | 2002/225/CE: Decisión de la Comisión, de 15 de marzo de 2002, por la que se establecen normas detalladas para la aplicación de la Directiva 91/492/CEE del Consejo en lo que se refiere a los niveles máximos y los métodos de análisis de determinadas biotoxinas marinas en moluscos bivalvos, equinodermos, tunicados y gasterópodos marinos (Texto pertinente a efectos del EEE) [notificada con el número C(2002) 1001] Corrección de errores | DOCE L75 16.03.2002 | |