There are indications that decomposition can result in the production of other toxins (e.g., biogenic amines, such as putrescine and cadaverine) that have the potential to cause illness, even in the absence of histamine formation. Such illnesses have been reported in a number of fish species (FDA, 1998b).
Scombroid poisonings have primarily been associated with the consumption of tuna, mahi mahi, and bluefish. However, Table 27-1 lists a number of species that are also capable of developing elevated levels of histamine when temperature abused (FDA, 1998a).
Table 27-1. Vertebrate species capable of developing histamine.
Market Names | Latin Names |
Amberjack or Yellowtail | Seriola spp. |
Anchovy | Anchoa spp. |
Anchoviella spp. | |
Cetengraulis mysticetus | |
Engraulis spp. | |
Stolephorus spp. | |
Bluefish | Pomatomus saltatrix |
Bonito | Cybiosarda elegans |
Gymnosarda unicolor | |
Orcynopsis unicolor | |
Sarda spp. | |
Escolar or Snake Mackerel | Lepidocybium flavobrunneum |
Ruvettus pretiosus | |
Gemfish | Lepidocybium flavobrunneum |
Herring | Etrumeus teres |
Harengula thrissina | |
Ilisha spp. | |
Opisthopterus tardoore | |
Pellona ditchela | |
Herring or Sea or Sild and roe | Clupea spp. |
Herring,Thread | Opisthonema spp. |
Jack | Caranx spp. |
Oligoplites saurus | |
Selene spp. | |
Seriola rivoliana | |
Urapsis secunda | |
Jack or Blue Runner | Caranx crysos |
Jack or Crevalle | Alectis indica |
Jack or Rainbow Runner | Elagatis bipinnulata |
Jack or Roosterfish | Nematistius pectoralis |
Jobfish | Aphareus spp. |
Aprion virescens | |
Pristipomoides spp. | |
Kahawai | Arripis spp. |
Mackerel | Gasterochisma melampus |
Grammatorcynus spp. | |
Rastrelliger kanagurta | |
Scomber scombrus | |
Mackerel, Chub | Scomber spp. |
Mackerel, Jack | Trachurus spp. |
Mackerel, Spanish | Scomberomorus spp. |
Scomberomorus cavalla | |
Mahi-Mahi, Aquacultured or Wild | Coryphaena spp. |
Marlin | Makaira spp. |
Tetrapturus spp. | |
Pilchard or Sardine | Sardina pilchardus |
Sardinops spp. | |
Sardine | Harengula spp. |
Sardinella spp. | |
Saury | Cololabis saira |
Scomberesox saurus | |
Shad and roe | Alosa spp. |
Shad, Gizzard | Dorosoma spp. |
Nematalosa vlaminghi | |
Snapper | Pristipomoides spp. |
Sprat or Bristling | Sprattus spp. |
Trevally | Caranx sexfasciatus |
Tuna (small) | Allothunnus fallai |
Auxis spp. | |
Euthynnus spp. | |
Katsuwonus pelamis | |
Thunnus tonggol | |
Tuna (large) | Thunnus alalunga |
Thunnus albacares | |
Thunnus atlanticus | |
Thunnus maccoyii | |
Thunnus obesus | |
Thunnus thynnus | |
Wahoo | Acanthocybium solandri |
Yellowtail or Amberjack | Seriola lalandei |
Histamine-forming bacteria are capable of growing and producing histamine over a wide temperature range. Growth is more rapid, however, at high-abuse temperatures (e.g., 21.1ºC (70ºF]) than at moderate-abuse temperatures (e.g., 7.2ºC [45ºF]). Growth is particularly rapid at temperatures near 32.2ºC [90ºF]). Histamine is more commonly the result of high temperature spoilage than of long term, relatively low temperature spoilage. Nonetheless, there are a number of opportunities for histamine to form under more moderate conditions.
Once the enzyme histidine decarboxylase has been formed, it can continue to produce histamine in the fish even if the bacteria are not active. The enzyme can be active at or near refrigeration temperatures. The enzyme is likely to be more stable than the bacteria in the frozen state and may be reactivated very rapidly after thawing. Recent studies suggest that if histamine production is advanced (i.e., high levels of histidine decarboxylase), histamine formation can continue even in frozen storage.
Freezing for an extended period of time (e.g., 24 weeks) may inactivate the enzyme-forming bacteria. Cooking can inactivate both the enzyme and the bacteria. However, once the toxin is formed, it cannot be eliminated by heat (including retorting) or freezing. After cooking, recontamination of the fish with the enzyme-forming bacteria is necessary for additional histamine to form. For these reasons, histamine development is more likely in raw, unfrozen fish.
The kinds of bacteria that are associated with histamine development are commonly present in the salt-water environment. They naturally exist on the gills and in the gut of live fish, with no harm to the fish. Upon death, the defense mechanisms of the fish no longer inhibit bacterial growth, and histamine-forming bacteria start to grow and produce histamine. With some harvesting practices, such as longlining, death can occur before the fish is removed from the water. Under the worst conditions histamine formation can already be underway before the fish is landed on the vessel. This condition can be aggravated when the fish is allowed to struggle on the line for a period of time, a situation that in certain tuna species may cause its internal temperature to increase to a more favorable growth range for the enzyme-forming bacteria.
The potential for histamine formation is increased when the flesh of the fish is directly exposed to the enzyme-forming bacteria. This occurs when the fish are processed (e.g., butchering or filleting) (FDA, 1998a).
Further chilling towards the freezing point is also desirable to safeguard against longer-term, low-temperature development of histamine. Additionally, the shelf life of the fish is significantly compromised when product temperature is not rapidly dropped to near freezing.
The time required to lower the internal temperature of fish after capture will be dependent upon a number of factors, including:
Unfrozen scombrotoxin-forming fish has a safe shelf life that is dependent upon the storage temperature. Table 27-2 shows an approximate safe shelf life for fish stored at various temperatures. The safe shelf-life periods in the table include the time aboard the harvest vessel (FDA, 1998a).
Table 27-2. Approximate Safe Shelf life for Fish at Various Storage Temperatures.
with Rapid Cooling |
with Delayed Cooling |
Any time above 4.4ºC (40ºF) significantly reduces the expected safe shelf life. For this reason, fish should not be exposed to temperatures above 4.4ºC (40ºF) for more than four hours, cumulatively, after chilling on board the harvest vessel. The safety of this limit is dependent upon proper handling at sea.
Fish that have been handled particularly well on-board the harvest vessel may be able to safely withstand somewhat more exposure to elevated temperatures during post-harvest handling.
Fish that have undergone extended frozen storage (e.g., 24 weeks) can safely withstand considerably more exposure to elevated temperatures during post-harvest handling. Such fish should not be exposed to temperatures above 4.4ºC (40ºF) for more than twelve hours, cumulatively, after chilling on board the harvest vessel. An uninterrupted period of exposure should not exceed six hours. Intermittent refrigeration breaks the cycle of rapid bacterial growth and slows the formation of histamine. The safety of these limits is again dependent upon proper handling at sea.
Extended frozen storage (e.g., 24 weeks) or cooking minimizes the risk of additional histamine development by inactivating the enzyme-forming bacteria and, in the case of cooking, the enzyme itself. As previously mentioned, recontamination with enzyme-forming bacteria and significant temperature abuse is necessary for histamine formation under these conditions. Such recontamination may not be likely if the fish is processed under a conscientious sanitation program (FDA, 1998a).
However, odors of decomposition that are typical of relatively low temperature spoilage may not be easily detected if the fish has undergone high temperature spoilage. This condition makes sensory examination alone an ineffective control for scombrotoxin.
Chemical testing is an effective means of detecting the presence of histamine in fish flesh. However, the validity of such testing is dependent upon the design of the sampling plan. For this reason, chemical testing alone will not normally provide adequate assurance that the hazard has been controlled. Because histamine is generally not uniformly distributed in a decomposed fish, a guidance level of 50 ppm has been set. If 50 ppm is found in one section, there is the possibility that other sections may exceed 500 ppm. Additionally, recent studies suggest that if histamine production is advanced, histamine formation can continue even in frozen storage.
Observations of loins of tuna after the precooking step for the presence of "honeycombing" is also a valuable means of screening for fish that have been exposed to the kinds of temperature abuse that can lead to histamine development. Any fish that demonstrate the trait should be destroyed.
Control measures for "scombrotoxin formation" can include:
Table 27-3. FDA guidelines for tuna, mahi mahi, and related fish.
Guideline | Reference |
500 ppm set based on toxicity. 50 ppm set as defect action level, because histamine is generally not uniformly distributed in a decomposed fish. Therefore, if 50 ppm is found in one section, there is the possibility that other units may exceed 500 ppm. | FDA, 1998c |
Table 27-4. Commercial test products for histamine.
Test |
Analytical Technique |
Approx. Total Test Time |
Supplier |
ALERT® for Histamine [Sensitivity: 5-50 ppm, qualitative] |
2 h |
Neogen Corporation 620 Lesher Pl. Lansing, MI 48912 Phone: 800/234-5333; 517/372-9200 E-mail: Web: |
Histamarine Test Kit1 [Sensitivity: 0.5 ppm, quantitative from 1 to 500 ppm] |
Enzyme immunoassay |
1 h |
Immunotech Contact: Alain Artus 130, av. Delattre de Tassigny B.P. 177 13276 Marseille Cedex 9 FRANCE Phone: 33 491 17 27 46 E-mail: Web: |
EIA for Histamine in Fish Extract, K1-HTM [Sensitivity: 2.5 ppm, quantitative 1-50 ppm] | Enzyme immunoassay |
90 min |
Immuno-Diagnostic Reagents Contact: Siong Wie P.O. Box 2659 Vista, CA 92085-2659 Phone: 858/350-9608 E-mail: Web: |
EIA for Histamine Fishmeal and Bonemeal, K2-HTM [Sensitivity: 5 ppm, qualitative] |
Enzyme immunoassay |
35 min |
Immuno-Diagnostic Reagents Contact: Siong Wie P.O. Box 2659 Vista, CA 92085-2659 Phone: 858/350-9608 E-mail: Web: |
EIA for Histamine in Raw and Canned fish, K3-HTM [Sensitivity: 5 ppm, qualitative] |
Enzyme immunoassay |
35 min |
Immuno-Diagnostic Reagents Contact: Siong Wie P.O. Box 2659 Vista, CA 92085-2659 Phone: 858/350-9608 E-mail: Web: |
RIDASCREEN® Histamin R1602 [Sensitivity: 2.5 ppm; quantitative] |
2 h |
R-Biopharm, Inc. Contact: Thomas Grace 7950 US 27 South Marshall, MN 49068 Phone: 616/789-3033 E-mail: |
Transia Plate Histamine [Semi-quantitative assay; from 25 to 200 ppm] |
1 h |
Diffchamb AB Baika Barg` gata 7 42246 Hisings Baika Sweden Phone: 46-31-58-3270 E-mail: Web: |
Transia Plate Histamine [Qualitative assay; threshold at 100 ppm] |
1 h |
Diffchamb AB Baika Bargögata 7 42246 Hisings Baika Sweden Phone: 46-31-58-3270 E-mail: Web: |
Veratox® for Histamine [Sensitivity: < 5ppm, quantitative from 0 to 50 ppm] |
1 h |
Neogen Corporation 620 Lesher Pl. Lansing, MI 48912 Phone: 800/234-5333; 517/372-9200 E-mail: Web: |
AOAC. 1995b. Histamine in seafood: Chemical method. Sec. 35.5.31, Method 957.07. In Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 16th ed., P.A. Cunniff (Ed.), p.15-16. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD.
AOAC. 1995c. Histamine in seafood: Fluorometric method. Sec. 35.1.32, Method 977.13. In Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 16th ed., P.A. Cunniff (Ed.), p. 6-17. AOAC International, Gaithersburg, MD.
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FDA. 1998b. Other Decomposition-Related Hazards. Ch. 8. In Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide. 2nd ed., p. 91-92. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Seafood, Washington, DC.
FDA. 1998c. FDA & EPA Guidance Levels. Appendix 5. In Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide. 2nd ed., p. 245-248. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Seafood, Washington, DC.
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Lerke, P.A., Porcuna, M.N., and Chin, H.B. 1983. Screening test for histamine in fish. J. Food Sci. 48:155-157.
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