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Capillary electorphoresis is rapidly maturing as a
major technique for the analysis of proteins, nucleic acids, and
glycoconjugates. Recently, efforts have concentrated on the application of its
two most powerful ancillary techniques, laser-induced fluorescence detection and
mass spectrometry. In addition, affinity capillary electrophoresis is rapidly
becoming popular in ligand–biomolecule binding studies. The integration of
sample treatment with separation on a microchip is yet another interesting
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- ACE—affinity;
- CE—capillary electrophoresis;
- FTMS—Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS;
- HPLC—high-pressure liquid chromatography;
- LIF—laser-induced fluorescence;
- MALDI—matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization;
- MS—mass spectrometry.
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The numerous challenges of modern biology and medical science necessitate the
development of analytical methodologies of utmost sensitivity and resolving
power. In dealing with the extraordinary complexity of biological mixtures and
scientists' demands for measuring minute quantities of biomolecules in ever
smaller volumes (e.g. in single cells), capillary electrophoresis (CE) has
achieved a distinction perhaps greater than any other technique of the past
decade. The sheer pace of instrumental advances and the burgeoning number of new
conceptual applications in the recent period suggest that CE is far from
reaching its full potential. Ultimately, the inherent speed of analysis, ease of
quantification and automation, and orthogonality to high-pressure liquid
chromatography (HPLC) will become CE's most important assets in analytical
Although CE now has numerous applications in the small-molecule area, this
review primarily emphasizes its application in the separation of biopolymers
(i.e. proteins, nucleic acids, and glycoconjugates). The most important
technological advances in the area are also highlighted.
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instrumental capabilities are creating opportunities for future
Detection technology remains crucial to the continued success of CE as an
instrumental technique. Although UV detection remains important to the
measurement of proteins and peptides, an increasing number of applications are
being oriented toward the more sensitive methods of laser-induced fluorescence
(LIF) and mass spectrometry (MS). Under normal circumstances, the small size of
the sample injection in CE limits investigations to the 10-5
concentration range. Even so, sample enrichment techniques (i.e.
isotachophoretic preconcentration, sample stacking, isoelectric focusing, or
electrochromatographic preconcentration) can reduce the detection burden so that
(e.g. for trace proteins) picomole to high femtomole levels can be achieved
through UV or MS detectors.
The information content of MS is becoming increasingly attractive in
structural characterization. Electrospray ionization MS
[1] [2] [3] [4•] [5••],
with its tandem MS capabilities, is becoming essential in the structural
elucidation of proteins and glycopeptides and in sequencing efforts. Novel
interfacing technologies [1] [3],
using a miniaturized electrospray source and technically advanced mass
analyzers, extend the capability of peptide analyses to the low femtomole level.
The combination of CE with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance MS (FTMS)
[5••] now
allows highly precise mass measurements for analytes in complex mixtures.
The fractions collected after a CE separation can be investigated through
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) MS [6] [7]. The
high sensitivity of MALDI MS also allows peptide mapping and in situ
sequencing of collected protein fractions [8••].
An interesting approach using a single cell as a CE detector has also been
reported recently [9••].
The responses of this cell can be coupled to highly specific events, such as
receptor–ligand recognition, enzymatic activity, or transmembrane signaling
pathways, providing the opportunity to screen for ligands in complex biological
samples [10••].
A promising recent development is the fabrication of CE channels on a glass
microchip [11••] [12••] [13••] [14••].
Not too long ago, the area was considered esoteric and highly speculative. Yet,
the precision of current lithographic techniques allows low dead-volume
manipulation of buffers on a chip through electroosmosis (without the use of
valves or pumps). These CE channels can be coupled with precolumn sample
treatment or postcolumn fluorescent derivatization [11••] [12••].
Thus far, the LIF confocal microscopic systems have been used effectively for
detection of primary amines and DNA fragments. To analyze multiple samples
simultaneously, as needed in analyses of DNA restriction fragments and fast
sequencing, etching of parallel channels on a microchip is obviously feasible [13••] [14••].
What is now generically known as 'high-performance CE' includes a set of
powerful separation principles for both small and large molecules. These are
capillary zone electrophoresis, capillary isoelectric focusing,
isotachophoresis, micellar electrokinetic chromatography, and capillary
electrochromatography. CE with hydrodynamic counterflow has also been
successfully developed [15•] to
assist extremely difficult separations in a narrow migration window.
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applications: more stable coatings, characterization studies, immunoassays and
affinity investigations
CE of peptides and proteins has now progressed from exploratory and
optimization studies on model mixtures toward applications that are relevant to
protein chemists in the laboratory. This methodological 'maturation' is
particularly reflected in the following developments: first, an increased
utilization of CE in quantitative determinations of recombinant proteins and
their contaminants; second, increased use of CE/MS in protein characterization
studies; third, the development of CE-based immunoassays; and fourth, a rapidly
increasing number of ligand–biomolecule binding investigations (i.e. affinity CE
It appears that the long-standing problems of protein adsorption at the
capillary wall can now be adequately solved. Although a 'universal' wall
treatment (protective coating) remains as elusive as ever, significant
improvements, in terms of reduced adsorption and peak symmetry, have been
achieved through various coating technologies [16] [17] [18] [19].
Under some experimental conditions (e.g. low-ionic buffer strength),
electrochromatography may be employed in addition to electrophoresis [20] [21•].
For the analysis of recombinant proteins, CE is increasingly viewed as a
complementary technique to more established HPLC and immunological methods. The
efficiency and speed of CE make it an increasingly attractive technique for
monitoring protein production (on-line analysis), downstream processing and
final product analysis [22].
Reliable quantification by CE has been demonstrated in several recent
applications, including serine hydroxymethyltransferase in Escherichia
coli fermentation broth [23],
insulin-like growth factor I variants [21•],
and antithrombin III [22]. The
characterization of CE-separated proteins requires additional techniques:
on-line electrospray MS [1] [2] [3] [4•] [5••],
MALDI MS of recovered protein fractions [6] [7], and
immunodetection. On-line microreactors containing specific enzymes [4•] [24] can
also enhance characterization.
Several interesting investigations have also been conducted using CE and
high-sensitivity detection to challenge the more established immunoassay
techniques. Any assay for the quantification of an antigen should be capable
both of discriminating between the antigen–antibody complex and either free
antigen or free antibody and of measuring the antigen with high sensitivity.
With appropriately labeled antibody, LIF detection can provide the sensitivity
that is often needed (i.e. 10-8–10-10
M levels), and CE
can rapidly separate the antigen–antibody complex from other mixture components.
Direct, CE-based immunoassays have recently been demonstrated for human growth
hormone [25] and
IgA [26] at
sensitivity. Competitive immunoassay techniques based on CE/LIF have also been
described at clinically relevant concentrations for insulin [27•] and
digoxin in serum [28].
Although these investigations are still preliminary, future improvements in
antibody modification, fluorescent labeling, and automation could make CE/LIF a
significant option for routine quantitative immunoassays.
ACE was first reported in 1992 as a fast and simple method to assess the
binding of ligands to biomolecules, and the burgeoning number of applications of
the technique attests to its increasing popularity. The method relies on
measuring differences in the electrophoretic mobility of the protein–ligand
complex and the uncomplexed protein under different ligand concentrations, and
expressing the data as a Scatchard plot. Free-solution CE represents an
attractive approach for biochemical studies because it consumes small quantities
of sample, allows detection of small ligand molecules together with proteins,
provides rapid online detection, can be coupled with MS, and works in the
absence of radioactive labels. The utility of CE-generated Scatchard analyses
has recently been demonstrated in studies of the interactions of a heat-shock
protein and its peptide fragments with an immunosuppressant and its analogs [29] [30], the
binding of vancomycin to peptidoglycans [31], and
the determination of sugar–lectin interactions [32]. ACE
has also been utilized to measure the binding constants between albumin and
several anti-inflammatory drugs [33].
Recent studies indicate that ACE has applications beyond its original intent.
These include the measurement of migration shifts as a consequence of the
antigen–antibody interaction [34•] [35•],
searching specific interactions of model receptors with constituents of the
peptide combinatorial libraries through ACE/MS [36], and
determination of binding stoichiometries of protein–ligand interactions [37••].
Thus, information other than the equilibrium constant data, such as
identification of stable intermediate species, can be obtained [37••].
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Nucleic acid
applications: antisense technology, fast sequencing, mutational analysis, PCR
product identification, pulsed-field capillary electrophoresis of large
Because CE has distinct advantages over classic electrophoretic techniques,
in terms of component resolution and the speed of analysis, it continues to be
explored in a variety of applications to DNA and RNA, ranging from antisense
technology and DNA sequencing tasks to the separation of double-stranded DNA
fragments in mutational analysis, restriction fragment mapping and PCR product
identification in clinical studies and forensic applications. With the exception
of relatively small nucleotides that can be measured through their UV
absorbance, almost all published work utilizes LIF. The high sensitivity of this
technique is needed to accommodate numerous separated components into the
optimum concentration range of the zonal CE. The use of LIF with reliable and
inexpensive lasers is a major aim, and the search for optimum fluorescent probes
continues; however, at present, satisfactory results have been reported with the
previously employed sequencing fluorescent labels and intercalating dyes.
An increasing number of studies stress the need for quantitative information.
Therapeutic applications of DNA or RNA sequences will necessitate the standards
of analytical practice that are now common with conventional pharmaceuticals.
This is evident in antisense technology, where quantification of the
nuclease-resistant phosphorothioates is being actively pursued [38].
CE separation of the fragments generated by the Sanger dideoxynucleotide
chain-terminating principle is also a focus for study. The large-scale genetic
analysis that has been spurred by the Human Genome Programme and related
initiatives necessitates fast and reliable sequencing schemes. Although
alternative approaches (e.g. direct spectroscopic observation of a single DNA
strand during its passage through a sheathflow cuvette, MALDI/MS, or
electrophoresis in ultrathin slab gels) are being actively pursued in different
laboratories, fast CE in sieving matrices remains a viable approach [39] [40•].
The use of entangled polymer solutions (i.e. 'replaceable gels') in DNA
sequencing appears to be a continuing trend. A novel approach for superior
sequencing, called 'end-labeled free-solution electrophoresis', has recently
been described [41•]. In
this approach, a DNA molecule is end-labeled with a protein (e.g. streptavidin)
that imposes substantial friction on the electromigrating molecule, causing a
size-dependent mobility in a conventional buffer medium.
Future efforts to improve sequencing preseparation chemistry and automation
will undoubtedly be essential. Although a significant gain in speed of analysis
over slab gels has been demonstrated, conventional CE permits analysis of only
one sample at a time. This problem can be overcome by the use of parallel
capillaries. Development of commercial sequencing instrumentation based on
multiplexed CE is currently in progress. DNA fragment separations on
microfabricated chips with capillary arrays [13••] [14••]
appear to be the next logical step. This approach allows placement of the
reservoirs necessary for the sample digestion, derivatization with fluorescent
dyes, etc., together with the separation channels on one microfabricated
Separations of double-stranded DNA fragments from standard digests in
entangled polymer matrices have been optimized [42] to
ensure reproducibility of migration times needed for accurate base-pair
assignments. LIF is capable of reliably detecting minute quantities of materials
using PCR-amplified DNA fragments. This is important for forensic applications
and work with unidentified human remains [43•].
Because of the superb resolving power of CE, it has now become feasible to
perform genetic studies in various organisms by a reliable and quantitative DNA
fragment analysis. As exemplified by a recent application to the diagnosis of a
human dehydrogenase deficiency [44•],
high-performance CE is a valuable technique for the study of various genetic
Large double-stranded DNA strands (>
kbp) undergo
molecular stretching in electric fields and reptation in gel media, both of
which oppose size-based separations. Using different regimes of pulsed-field CE
[45••] [46••],
some DNA mixtures can be effectively resolved in short analysis times. Certain
conditions of pulsed-field CE may, however, lead to an undesirable formation of
DNA aggregates [47].
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Glycoconjugates: the issues of high sensitivity and component
The field of glycobiology has often been referred to as 'the last great
frontier of biochemistry'. Future advances in analytical methodology appear to
hold the key to a better understanding of the structure and function of
glycoconjugates. Given the great structural diversity of carbohydrates, the
complexity of biological mixtures represents a formidable challenge, even to a
technique as efficient as CE. The need for a high-sensitivity analytical
technique is paramount because of the fact that important glycoproteins are
often available in only minute quantities. In these cases, a combination of CE
with LIF detection and/or MS appears particularly promising.
Although applications of CE to glycoconjugate analysis are currently less
frequent than those in the protein and DNA areas, CE is likely to become as
indispensable as the more established methods of high-field NMR, HPLC with
pulsed amperometric detection, or various MS techniques. Thus, CE may be
expected to carry out several analytical tasks, varying from a display of
microheterogeneity in glycoproteins [48],
analyses of small saccharides [49],
oligosaccharide mapping, sequencing, etc., to the separation of larger
oligosaccharides (as needed in the analyses of glycosaminoglycans or
technologically important polysaccharides). The fluorescent tagging of
carbohydrates has become an important part of the development of CE/LIF
methodologies. Two recent reviews [50] [51]
discuss various methodological aspects of this field, including different
fluorescent and UV-absorbing tags. To match the wavelength characteristics of a
commercial LIF system, 9-aminopyrene-1,4,6-trisulfonate has been introduced
during the past year as an effective tagging reagent [52•].
Using CE/LIF, our group [53••] [54••]
has demonstrated the complexity of some natural oligosaccharide mixtures tagged
with 8-aminonaphthalene-1,3,6-trisulfonate. In this work, the CE-generated
oligosaccharide maps of various materials were compared before and after the use
of specific debranching enzymes. CE was shown to be sufficiently efficient to
recognize variously branched isomers as distinct peaks. Using water-soluble
cellulose derivatives and the highly charged heparins as examples, we [55] have
also shown that suitable buffer additives can either induce or reduce the
electrophoretic mobility of some polysaccharides.
The design of suitable fluorescent probes for CE/LIF is likely to remain a
significant focus for research to facilitate high-sensitivity glycoconjugate
measurements. The detection of 100 analyte molecules, formed in a
fucosyltransferase reaction through the use of tetramethylrhodamine tag [56••] [57••],
represents the current record for sensitivity.
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The development of CE continues to be a dynamic research area. This short
review has concentrated on aspects of CE research pertaining to biotechnology
and could not include the many other interesting applications of this analytical
technique, which include new detection technologies, two-dimensional
separations, analysis of small molecules (including relatively hydrophobic
species), chiral separations and environmental applications. The current
literature is replete with outstanding examples of the cross-fertilization of
ideas between CE and chromatography. Analytical biotechnology is likely to
benefit from this in the near future. The instrument industry will undoubtedly
respond to the opportunities for new applications.
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The author gratefully acknowledges the support of the National Institute of
General Medical Sciences, US Department of Health and Human Services, Grant No.
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References and
recommended reading
Papers of particular interest, published within
the annual period of review, have been highlighted as:
• of special
•• of outstanding interest.
- Emmett MR, Caprioli RM:
Microelectrospray mass spectrometry
ultra-high-sensitivity analysis of peptides and proteins.
J Am Soc
Mass Spectrom 1994, 5: 605–613. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Cole RB, Varghese J, McCormick RM, Kadlecek D:
Evaluation of a
novel hydrophilic derivatized capillary for protein analysis by capillary
electrophoresis electrospray mass spectrometry.
J Chromatogr A
1994, 680: 363–373. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Kriger MS, Cook KD, Ramsey RS:
Durable gold-coated fused silica
capillaries for use in electrospray mass spectrometry.
Anal Chem
1995, 67: 385–389. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Amankwa LN, Harder K, Jirik F, Aebersold R:
High sensitivity
determination of tyrosine-phosphorylated peptides by on-line enzyme reactor
and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
Protein Sci 1995,
4: 113–125. [MEDLINE] [Cited
This paper is an excellent example of structural work accomplished
through a combination of biochemical principles and modern CE/MS
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Hofstadler SA, Swanek FD, Gale DC, Ewing AG, Smith RD:
electrophoresis-electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron
resonance mass spectrometry for direct analysis of cellular
Anal Chem 1995, 67: 1477–1480. [MEDLINE] [Cited
FTMS currently represents the most powerful approach for the structural
elucidation of biomolecules at high resolution (providing the exact molecular
mass and isotopic distribution). In this study, small-bore capillaries are
coupled to FTMS for the analysis of single cells.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Weinmann W, Parker CE, Deterding LJ, Papac DI, Hoyes J, Przybylski M,
Tomer KB:
Capillary electrophoresis matrix assisted laser desorption
ionization mass spectrometry of proteins.
J Chromatogr A 1994,
680: 353–361. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Walker KL, Chiu RW, Monnig CA, Wilkins CL:
Off-line coupling of
capillary electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization
time-of-flight mass spectrometry.
Anal Chem 1995, 67:
4197–4204. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Patterson DH, Tarr GE, Regnier FE, Martin SA:
C-terminal ladder
sequencing via matrix-assisted laser desorption mass spectrometry coupled with
carboxypeptidase Y time-dependent and concentration-dependent
Anal Chem 1995, 67: 3971–3978. [MEDLINE] [Cited
The technological innovation reported here represents a major advance in
investigating peptide fractions trapped using CE. Sub-picomole quantities can
be sequenced (with the exception of two pairs of amino acids). Following this
example, additional enzymatic treatment procedures are likely to be
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Shear JB, Fishman HA, Allbritton NL, Garigan NL, Zare RN, Scheller RH:
Single cells as biosensors for chemical
Science 1995, 267: 74–77. [MEDLINE] [Cited
See annotation for [10••].
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Fishman HA, Orwar O, Scheller RH, Zare RN:
Identification of
receptor ligands and receptor subtypes using antagonists in a capillary
electrophoresis single-cell biosensor separation system.
Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA 1995, 92: 7877–7881. [MEDLINE] [Cited
In this paper and [9••],
Zare and co-workers develop a microscale biosensor system that can be used to
identify biological activities of CE-separated analytes, including
structurally similar compounds. The efficacy of the technique is demonstrated
through the inhibition of cellular receptors using specific
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Jacobson SC, Koutny LB, Hergenröder R, Moore AW Jr, Ramsey JM:
Microchip capillary electrophoresis with an integrated post-column
Anal Chem 1994, 66: 3472–3476. [Cited
See annotation for [12••].
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Jacobson SC, Hergenröder R, Moore AW Jr, Ramsey JM:
reactions with electrophoretic analysis integrated on a
Anal Chem 1994, 66: 4127–4132. [Cited
Although electrophoretic separations on a microchip have been reported
previously, this paper and [11••]
provide the first convincing case for effective integration of biochemically
relevant precolumn and postcolumn processes to CE (without sacrificing
separation efficiency).
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Woolley AT, Mathies RA:
Ultrahigh-speed DNA fragment separations
using microfabricated capillary array electrophoresis chips.
Natl Acad Sci USA 1994, 91: 11348–11352. [MEDLINE] [Cited
See annotation for [14••].
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Woolley AT, Mathies RA:
Ultrahigh-speed DNA sequencing using
capillary electrophoresis chips.
Anal Chem 1995, 67:
3676–3680. [MEDLINE] [Cited
This paper and [13••]
appear to bring very close to reality the often discussed (idealized) concept
of fast, parallel DNA sequencing and fingerprinting on a microchip, perhaps
the ultimate way of doing this type of analysis.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Culbertson CT, Jorgenson JW:
Flow counter-balanced capillary
Anal Chem 1994, 66: 955–962. [Cited
In this study, CE with opposing hydrodynamic flow is shown to effectively
prolong the column length, albeit at the account of longer analysis times.
Although this scheme does not effectively handle complex mixtures, very
significantly enhanced resolution of structurally similar solutes (e.g.
molecules with different isotopic abundance) occurs in a narrow
electromigration window.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Gilges M, Kleemis MH, Schomburg G:
Capillary zone electrophoresis
separations of basic and acidic proteins using poly(vinyl alcohol) coatings in
fused-silica capillaries.
Anal Chem 1994, 66: 2038–2046.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- O'Neill K, Shao X, Zhao Z, Malik A, Lee ML:
electrophoresis of nucleotides on Ucon-coated fused-silica
Anal Biochem 1994, 222: 185–189. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Huang M, Dubrovcakova-Schneiderman E, Novotny MV, Fatunmbi HO, Wirth MJ:
Use of self-assembled alkylsilane monolayers for the preparation of
stable and efficient coatings in capillary electrophoresis.
Microcolumn Separ 1994, 6: 571–576.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Huang M, Plocek J, Novotny MN:
Hydrolytically stable
cellulose-derivative coatings for capillary electrophoresis of peptides,
proteins and glycoconjugates.
Electrophoresis 1995, 16:
396–401. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Basak SK, Ladisch MR:
Correlation of electrophoretic mobilities of
proteins and peptides with their physicochemical properties.
Biochem 1995, 226: 51–58. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Nashabeh W, Greve KF, Kirby D, Foret F, Karger BL, Reifsnyder DH,
Builder SE:
Incorporation of hydrophobic selectivity in capillary
electrophoresis: analysis of recombinant insulin-like growth factor I
Anal Chem 1994, 66: 2148–2154. [MEDLINE] [Cited
Straight CE systems sometimes lack selectivity for resolving fine
structural differences. In this study, mixed aqueous/organic systems with a
zwitterionic detergent (a hydrophobic selector) were effective in adding
hydrophobic interactions to the usual CE process according to charge-to-mass
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Reif OW, Freitag R:
Control of the cultivation process of
antithrombin II and its characterization by capillary
J Chromatogr A 1994, 680: 383–394. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Strege MA, Schmidt DF, Kreuzman A, Dotzlaf J, Yeh WK, Kaiser RE, Lagu AL:
Capillary electrophoretic analysis of serine hydroxymethyltransferase
in Escherichia coli fermentation broth.
Anal Biochem
1994, 223: 198–204. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Licklider L, Kuhr WG, Lacey MY, Keough T, Purdon MP, Takigiku R:
Online microreactors/capillary electrophoresis/mass spectrometry for
the analysis of proteins and peptides.
Anal Chem 1995,
67: 4170–4177. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Shimura K, Karger BL:
Affinity probe capillary electrophoresis:
analysis of recombinant human growth hormone with a fluorescent labeled
antibody fragment.
Anal Chem 1994, 66: 9–15. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Chen FTA:
Characterization of charge-modified and
fluorescein-labeled antibody by capillary electrophoresis using laser-induced
fluorescence: application to immunoassay at low level immunoglobulin
J Chromatogr A 1994, 680: 419–423. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Schultz NM, Huang L, Kennedy RT:
Capillary electrophoresis based
immunoassay to determine insulin content and insulin secretion from single
islet of Langerhans.
Anal Chem 1995, 67: 924–929. [MEDLINE] [Cited
This is an excellent example of a CE-based highly sensitive immunoassay
at the microscale. Using such methodologies, small biological objects (e.g. an
islet of Langerhans) can be directly probed.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Chen FTA, Sternberg JC:
Characterization of proteins by capillary
electrophoresis in fused-silica columns —
review on serum-protein
analysis and application to immunoassays.
Electrophoresis 1994,
15: 13–21. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Liu J, Volk KJ, Lee MS, Kerns EH, Rosenberg IE:
Affinity capillary
electrophoresis applied to the studies of interactions of a member of heat
shock protein family with an immunosuppressant.
J Chromatogr A
1994, 680: 395–403. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Nadeau K, Nadler SG, Saulneir M, Tepper MA, Walsh CT:
of the interaction of the immunosuppressant deoxyspergualin and analogs with
Hsc70 and Hsp90.
Biochemistry 1994, 33: 2561–2567. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Liu J, Volk JF, Lee MS, Pucci M, Handwerger S:
Binding studies of
vancomycin to the cytoplasmic peptidoglycan precursors by affinity capillary
Anal Chem 1994, 66: 2412–2416. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Kuhn R, Frei R, Christen M:
Use of capillary affinity
electrophoresis for the determination of lectin–sugar
Anal Biochem 1994, 218: 131–135. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Sun P, Hoops A, Hartwick RA:
Enhanced albumin protein separations
and protein–drug binding constant measurements using anti-inflammatory drugs
as run buffer additives in affinity capillary electrophoresis.
Chromatogr B 1994, 661: 335–340.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Heegaard NHH:
Determination of antigen–antibody affinity by
immunocapillary electrophoresis.
J Chromatogr A 1994,
680: 405–412. [Cited
See annotation for [35•].
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Mammen M, Gomez FA, Whitesides GM:
Determination of the binding
of ligands containing the N-2,4-dinitrophenyl group to bivalent monoclonal rat
anti-DNP antibody using affinity capillary electrophoresis.
Chem 1995, 67: 3526–3535. [MEDLINE] [Cited
In this paper and [34•],
examples are shown that extend the application of ACE to the study of
antigen–antibody interactions. Such investigations are likely to increase in
frequency in the near future.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Chu YH, Kirby DP, Karger BL:
Free solution identification of
candidate peptides from combinatorial libraries by affinity capillary
electrophoresis/mass spectrometry.
J Am Chem Soc 1995,
117: 5419–5420. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Chu YH, Lees WJ, Stassinopoulos A, Walsh CT:
Using affinity
capillary electrophoresis to determine binding stoichiometries in
protein–ligand interactions.
Biochemistry 1994, 33:
10616–10621. [MEDLINE] [Cited
These authors use the appearance of the negative peak in
electropherograms as a criterion for the binding of a ligand to a receptor
protein. Quantification of the free ligand peak as a function of the total
ligand concentration at a constant concentration of receptor protein provides
the key to binding stoichiometry. This rapid and sensitive method is likely to
find increased application.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Srivatsa SG, Batt M, Schuette J, Carlson RH, Fitchett J, Lee C, Cole DL:
Quantitative capillary gel electrophoresis assay of phosphorothioate
oligonucleotides in pharmaceutical formulations.
J Chromatogr A
1994, 680: 469–477. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Lu H, Arriaga E, Chen DY, Dovichi NJ:
High-speed and high accuracy
DNA sequencing by capillary gel electrophoresis in a single, low cost
instrument: two-color peak-height encoded sequencing at 40°C.
Chromatogr A 1994, 680: 497–501. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Fung EN, Yeung ES:
High-speed DNA-sequencing by using mixed
poly(ethylene oxide) solutions in uncoated capillary columns.
Chem 1995, 67: 1913–1919. [Cited
This study shows the importance of the use of appropriate separation
matrices and parallel separation channels in rapid DNA sequencing.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Mayer P, Slater GW, Drouin G:
Theory of DNA sequencing using
free-solution electrophoresis of protein–DNA complexes.
Chem 1994, 66: 1777–1780. [Cited
Appending a DNA strand with a suitable end-label (e.g. a monodisperse
polypeptide) can generate a frictional increment in electrophoretic mobility,
enabling a size-dependent separation without the use of a gel matrix. These
authors suggest resolution of at least 2000 bases per sequencing reaction is
theoretically possible within minutes; however, no practical demonstration of
this has been given as yet.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Van der Schans MJ, Allen JK, Wanders BJ, Guttman A:
Evaluation of
sample matrix and injection plug on dsDNA migration in capillary gel
J Chromatogr A 1994, 680: 511–516. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Williams PE, Marino MA, Del Rio SA, Turni LA, Devaney JM:
Analysis of DNA restriction fragments and polymerase chain reaction
products by capillary electrophoresis.
J Chromatogr A 1994,
680: 525–540. [Cited
CE technology using gel-filled capillaries is becoming rapidly capable of
routine DNA fingerprinting and analysis of PCR products. This study provides
some crucial details and critically evaluates different technical
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Arakawa H, Vetanaka K, Maeda M, Tsuji A, Matsubara Y, Narisawa K:
Analysis of polymerase chain reaction-product by capillary
electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection and its application
to the diagnosis of medium-chain acylcoenzyme A dehydrogenase
J Chromatogr A 1994, 680: 517–523. [Cited
This study is a good example of the recent successful attempts to use CE
in the genetic analysis of human diseases. Reports of the use of CE in
distinguishing single-point mutations will become increasingly common in the
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Sudor J, Novotny M:
Separation of large DNA fragments by
capillary electrophoresis under pulsed-field conditions.
Chem 1994, 66: 2446–2450. [MEDLINE] [Cited
See annotation for [46••].
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Sudor J, Novotny M:
The mobility minima in pulsed-field
capillary electrophoresis of large DNA.
Nucleic Acids Res 1995,
23: 2538–2543. [MEDLINE] [Cited
This paper and [45••]
detail the development of pulsed-field CE for the separation of large
double-stranded DNA. Its advantages over the slab-gel techniques include a
~50-fold increase in the separation speed, sensitivity and quantitative
capabilities. Improved component resolution can be achieved through
appropriate pulsed-field gradients. Although the method is quite reproducible
up to ~100
kb pair sizes, Mitnik
et al. [47]
caution about increased aggregation with larger DNA sizes, under the typical
conditions of pulsed-field CE.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Mitnik L, Heller C, Prost J, Viovy JL:
Segregation in DNA solutions
induced by electric fields.
Science 1995, 267: 219–222.
[MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Morbeck DE, Madden BJ, McCormick DJ:
Analysis of the
microheterogeneity of the glycoprotein chorionic gonadotropin with
high-performance capillary electrophoresis.
J Chromatogr A 1994,
680: 217–224. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Karamanos NK, Azelsson S, Vanky P, Tzanakakis GN, Hjerpe A:
Determination of hyaluronan and galactosaminoglycan disaccharides by
high-performance capillary electrophoresis at the attomole level.
Chromatogr A 1995, 696: 295–305. [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Novotny M, Sudor J:
High-performance capillary electrophoresis of
Electrophoresis 1993, 14: 373–389. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Oefner PJ, Chiesa C:
Capillary electrophoresis of
Glycobiology 1994, 4: 397–412. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- • Chen FTA, Evangelista RA:
Analysis of mono-
oligosaccharide isomers derivatized with 9-aminopyrene-1-4-6-trisulfonate by
capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence.
Biochem 1995, 230: 273–280. [MEDLINE] [Cited
This paper describes a valuable addition to the area of fluorescence
labeling chemistry for carbohydrate analysis. Monosaccharide and
oligosaccharide isomers, derivatized with
9-aminopyrene-L-5,6-trisulfonate, are compatible with both the typical
conditions for CE and use of the argon-ion laser.
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Stefansson M, Novotny M:
Separation of complex oligosaccharide
mixtures by capillary electrophoresis in the open tubular
Anal Chem 1994, 66: 1134–1140. [MEDLINE] [Cited
See annotation for [54••].
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Stefansson M, Novotny M:
Resolution of the branched forms of
oligosaccharides by high-performance capillary
Carbohydrate Res 1994, 258: 1–9. [MEDLINE] [Cited
Natural oligosaccharide mixtures can be exceedingly complex. This paper
and [53••]
show that, more than any other available technique, the combination of CE and
debranching enzyme digests can reveal the complexity of carbohydrate
- Return to citation reference [1]
- Stefansson M, Novotny M:
Modification of the electrophoretic
mobility of neutral and charged polysaccharides.
Anal Chem 1994,
66: 3466–3471. [MEDLINE] [Cited
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Zhao JY, Dovichi ND, Hindsgaul O, Gosseliw S, Palcic MM:
Detection of 100 molecules of product formed in a fucosyltransferase
Glycobiology 1994, 4: 239–242. [MEDLINE] [Cited
See annotation for [57••].
- Return to citation reference [1]
- •• Zhang Y, Le X, Dovichi NJ, Compston CS, Palcic MM, Diedrich P,
Hindsgaul O:
Monitoring biosynthetic transformations of
N-acetyllactosamine using fluorescently labelled oligosaccharides and
capillary electrophoretic separation.
Anal Biochem 1995,
227: 368–376. [MEDLINE] [Cited
This paper and [56••]
demonstrate the remarkable sensitivity of CE/LIF in glycoconjugate analysis.
Using this or similar techniques, scientists should be able to both analyze
the mechanisms of glycosylation at the single-cell level and answer some
longstanding questions in glycobiology.
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Milos V Novotny, Department of Chemistry, Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana 47405, USA.
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