Bibliografía de inspección de alimentos en general

InspGral-I-01       Informes de Inspección Veterinaria de la Comisión Europea (Referidos a España)  
InspGral-I-02       Final Report of a mission to Spain from 03 to 12 May 2000 concerning border inspection posts Comisión Europea DG(SANCO)/1029/2000 MR Final
InspGral-I-04 Probiot F. Guarner, G.J. Schaafsma 1998 Probiotics Int. J. Food Microbiol. 39:237-238
InspGral-I-05 Probiot Wilhelm H. Holzapfel, Petra Haberer, Johannes Snel, Ulrich Schillinger, Jos H.J. Huis in’t Veld 1998 Overview of gut flora and probiotics Int. J. Food Microbiol. 41: 85-101
InspGral-I-06 Probiot Seppo Salminen, Atte von Wright, Lorenzo Morelli, Philippe Marteau, Dominique Brassart, Willem M. de Vos, Rangne Fonden, Maija Saxelin, Kevin Collins, Gunnar Mogensen, Stein-Erik Birkeland, Tiina Mattila-Sandholm 1998 Demonstration of safety of probiotics - a review Int. J. Food Microbiol. 44: 93-106
InspGral-I-07 Alter S. Roller 1999 Physiology of food spoilage organisms Int. J. Food Microbiol. 50: 151-153
InspGral-I-08   Elizabeth Caplice, Gerald F. Fitzgerald 1999 Food fermentations: role of microorganisms in food production and preservation Int. J. Food Microbiol. 50: 131-149
InspGral-I-09 Novel Bevan E.B. Moseley 1999 The safety and social acceptance of novel foods Int. J. Food Microbiol. 50: 25-31
InspGral-I-10   D.C. Kilsby 1999 Food microbiology: the challenges for the future Int. J. Food Microbiol. 50: 59-63
InspGral-I-11 Probiot Todd R. Klaenhammer, Martin J. Kullen 1999 Selection and design of probiotics Int. J. Food Microbiol. 50: 45-57
InspGral-I-12 Funcio No-Seong Kwak, David John Jukes 2001 Functional foods. Part 1: the development of a regulatory concept Food Control 12: 99-107
InspGral-I-13 Patog C.A. Phillips 2001 Arcobacters as emerging human foodborne pathogens Food Control 12: 1-6
InspGral-I-14 Paras P. Deplazes, J. Eckert 2001 Veterinary aspects of alveolar echinococcosis - a zoonosis of public health significance Veterinary Parasitol. 98: 65-87
InspGral-I-15 Miel   2002 DIRECTIVA 2001/110/CE DEL CONSEJO de 20 de diciembre de 2001 relativa a la miel DOCE L 10/47 12.1.2002
InspGral-I-16 Novel Harry A.Kuiper, Hub P.J.M.Noteborn,Esther J.Kok,Gijs A.Kleter 2002 Safety aspects of novel foods Food Res. Int. 35: 267-271
InspGral-1-19 Miel   2002 REAL DECRETO 209/2002, de 22 de febrero, por el que se establecen normas de ordenación de las explotaciones apícolas BOE 13 marzo 2002 págs.: 10366 a 10371
InspGral-22   H. Özoglu and A. Bay1nd1rl1 2002 Inhibition of enzymic browning in cloudy apple juice with selected antibrowning agents Food Control 13: 213-221
Insp-24 Alter David I. Ellis, David Broadhurst, Douglas B. Kell, Jem J. Rowland, and Royston Goodacre 2002 Rapid and Quantitative Detection of the Microbial Spoilage of Meat by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 2822-2828
Insp-25 PCR Narayanan Jothikumar and Mansel W. Griffiths 2002 Rapid Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 with Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assays Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68: 3169-3171
Insp-26   C.M.Lan, B.H.Chen 2002 Effects of soy sauce and sugar on the formation of heterocyclic amines in marinated foods Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 989-1000
Insp-27   H.Jing, D.D.Kitts 2002 Chemical and biochemical properties of casein –sugar Maillard reaction products Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 1007-1015
Insp-28   Young-Joon Surh 2002 Anti-tumor promoting potential of selected spice ingredients with antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities: short review Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 1091-1097
Insp-29   M.Fenech 2002 Micronutrients and genomic stability:a new paradigm for recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 1113-1117
Insp-30   J.H.Weisburger, Fung-Lung Chung 2002 Review: Mechanisms of chronic disease causation by nutritional factors and tobacco products and their prevention by tea polyphenols Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 1145-1154
Insp-31   C.Cavin, D.Holzhaeuser, G.Scharf, A.Constable, W.W.Huber, B.Schilter 2002 Cafestol and kahweol, two coffee specific diterpenes with anticarcinogenic activity Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 1155-1163
Insp-32   I.T.Johnson 2002 Review: Anticarcinogenic e .ects of diet-related apoptosis in the colorectal mucosa Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 1171-1178
Insp-33   W.Parzefall 2002 Review: Risk assessment of dioxin contamination in human food Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 1185-1189
Insp-34   A.Solyakov, K.Skog 2002 Review: Screening for heterocyclic amines in chicken cooked in various ways Food Chem. Toxicol. 40: 1205-1211
Insp-35   E.John Threlfall 2002 Antimicrobial drug resistance in Salmonella: problems and perspectives in food-and water-borne infections FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 26: 141-148
Insp-36   Henri Leclerc, Annick Moreau 2002 Microbiological safety of natural mineral water FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 26: 207-222
Insp-37   USDA-FSIS 2002 Cocinando para grupos: Guía de sanidad alimentaria para voluntarios  
Insp-38   Comisión Europea 2002 Propuesta de Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativo al movimiento transfronterizo de organismos modificados genéticamente DOCE C151E de 25 de junio de 2002 (2002/C 151 E/04)
Insp-39 Limpieza George A. Schuler, Maxcy P. Nolan, A.E. Reynolds and W.C. Hurst 1999 Cleaning, Sanitazing &Pests control in Food Processing, Storing and Service Areas Univ. Georgia. Food Science 11-1, Bulletin 927
Insp-40 Biosens J. Giesen 2002 Food Biosensors Food Technology 56:72-75
Insp-41 Probiot M. Saarela, L. Lähteenmäki, R. Crittenden, S. Salminen and T. Mattila-Sandholm 2002 Gut bacteria and health foods¯¯the European perspective Int. J. Food Microbiol.78: 99-117
Insp-42 Limpieza CDC 2002 Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings  
Insp-43 Limpieza Food Safety Network 2003 What is the importance of hand washing
Insp-44 Autent A. K. Lockley and R. G. Bardsley 2000 DNA-based methods for food authentication Trends in Food Science & Technology, 11: 67-77
Insp-45 Validac Report of a Joint FAO/IAEA Expert Consultation 1997 VALIDATION OF ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR FOOD CONTROL 2-4 December 1997, Vienna
Insp-46 Probiot M.F. Fernández, S. Boris, C. Barbés 2003 Probiotic properties of human lactobacilli strains to be used in the gastrointestinal tract J. Appl. Microbiol. 94: 449-455
Insp-47 Deterg   2004 Reglamento (CE) no 648/2004 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 31 de marzo de 2004, sobre detergentes  L 104  DOCE 08/04/2004
Insp-48 Zoosanit Mº Presidencia 2004

REAL DECRETO 1976/2004, de 1 de octubre, por el que se establecen las normas zoosanitarias aplicables a la producción, transformación, distribución e introducción de los productos de origen animal destinados al consumo humano

BOE 249 de 15-10-04
Insp-49 Industria Dirección General de salud y protección de los consumidores (UE) 2005 SEGURIDAD DE LOS PRODUCTOS EN EUROPA: Una guía a las acciones correctoras incluida la retirada de productos del mercado - ayudando a las empresas a proteger a los consumidores de los productos peligrosos
50 Alter L. Elvira, L. Sampedro, J. Matesanz, Y. Gómez-Ullate, P. Resa, J.R. Iglesias, F.J. Echevarría and F. Montero de Espinosa 2005 Non-invasive and non-destructive ultrasonic technique for the detection of microbial contamination in packed UHT milk Food Research International 38: 631-638
52   3M  

MonitorMarkTM. Time Temperature Indicators

53 Alergia Margreet C. van Putten, Lynn J. Frewer, Luud J.W.J Gilissen, Bart Gremmen, Ad A.C.M. Peijnenburg and Harry J. Wichers 2006 Novel foods and food allergies: A review of the issues Trends in Food Science & Technology:17, Issue 6, Pages 287-34
54 Aire Brown y otros de EHEDG 2006 Guidelines on air handling in the food industry
Trends in Food Science & Technology 17: 331-336
55 Ultrasonidos Tat Hean Gan, Prakash Pallav and David A. Hutchins 2006 Non-contact ultrasonic quality measurements of food products Journal of Food Engineering 77:239-247
56 Probióticos Gregor Reid 2006 Safe and efficacious probiotics: what are they? 
Trends in Microbiology, 14:  348-352
57 Intolerancia


Marco Gobbetti, Carlo Giuseppe Rizzello, Raffaella Di Cagno and Maria De Angelis  2007 Sourdough lactobacilli and celiac disease Food Microbiology 24:187-196
58 Autentif Ines Laube1*, Jutta Zagon1, Almuth Spiegelberg1, Andreas Butschke2, Lothar W. Kroh3 & Hermann Broll 2007 Development and design of a 'ready-to-use' reaction plate for a PCR-based simultaneous detection of animal species used in foods


International Journal of Food Science and Technology 42: 9
59 Autentif

M. E. Doumit*,3, S. M. Lonergan†,4, J. R. Arbona*,5,J. Killefer*,6, and M. Koohmaraie


Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) for Quantification of Skeletal Muscle Calpastatin1,2

J. Anim. Sci. 1996. 74:2679–2686

60 Autentif M. Prado, P. Calo-Mata, T.G. Villa, A. Cepeda and J. Barros-Velázquez 2007

Co-amplification and sequencing of a cytochrome b fragment affecting the identification of cattle in PCR-RFLP food authentication studies

Food Chemistry 105: 436-442

A.A. Gowen,*, C.P. O’Donnell, P.J. Cullen, G. Downey and J.M. Frias


Hyperspectral imaging - an emerging process analytical tool for food quality and safety control

Trends in Food Sci. Technol. 18: 590-598
62 Autentif Karl Heaton, Simon D. Kelly, Jurian Hoogewerff, Mark Woolfe 2008

Verifying the geographical origin of beef: The application of multi-element isotope and trace element analysis

Food Chemistry, 107: 506-515
63 Autentif Luis Asensio Gil 2007

PCR-based methods for fish and fishery products authentication

Trends in Food Sci. Technol. 18: 558-566
64 Autentif Domenico Frezza, Vincenzo Giambraa, Fatima Chegdanib, Cecilia Fontanab, Giampietro Maccabianic, Nadia Losioc, Elena Faggionatoc, Barbara Chiappinid, Gabriele Vaccarid, Christoph von Holste, Luigi Lannif, Stefano Saccaresf and Paolo Ajmone-Marsan 2008 Standard and Light-Cycler PCR methods for animal DNA species detection in animal feedstuffs Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 9: 18-23
65 Autentif Irradiación Antonios E. Goulas, Mario Stahl and Kyriakos A. Riganakos 2008 Effect of various parameters on detection of irradiated fish and oregano using the ESR and PSL methods Food Control, 19: 1076-1085
66 Autentif Juan Fernández-Tajes, Ruth Freire, Josefina Méndez 2010

A simple one-step PCR method for the identification between European and American razor clams specie

Food Chemistry 118:995-998
67 Autentif

Isabel Mafra · Isabel M. P. L. V. O. Ferreira M. Beatriz P. P. Oliveira


Food authentication by PCR-based methods

Eur Food Res Technol, 227:649–665



Quantitative PCR Detection of Pork in Raw and Heated GroundBeef and Pate

J. Agric. Food Chem., 50, 5265-5267 
69 Autentif J. H. Calvo,2 P. Zaragoza, and R. Osta 2001

Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Fingerprints for Identification of Species in Poultry Pate

Poultry Science 80:522–524


70 Autentif I. Lopez-Calleja, I. Gonzalez *, V. Fajardo, I. Martın, P.E. Hernandez, T. Garcıa, R. Martın 2007

Quantitative detection of goats’ milk in sheep’s milk by real-time PCR

Food Control 18, 1466-1473
71 Inform Nutricional Kelvin Balcombe a, Iain Fraser b,*, Salvatore Di Falco 2010

Traffic lights and food choice: A choice experiment examining the relationship between nutritional food labels and price

Food Policy 35: 211–220
72 Autentif Violeta Fajardo, Isabel González, María Rojas, Teresa García and Rosario Martín 2010 A review of current PCR-based methodologies for the authentication of meats from game animal species Trends in Food Science & Technology 21: 408-421
73 Recueno I. Jongenburgera, M.W. Reija, E.P.J. Boerb, L.G.M. Gorrisa, c and M.H. Zwietering 2010 Factors influencing the accuracy of the plating method used to enumerate low numbers of viable micro-organisms in food Int. J. Food. Microbiol. 143: 32-40